Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Day 4

The Framing Group started the day hard at work. They were responsible for creating the scale model - from using the table saw to cut scale size columns, and SIP panels to putting it all together. 

While they were busy working away, the rest of us went to the site to take a look at the construction progress, and help transport the the recycled hemlock siding back to the warehouse. 

We also spent a lot of time chipping away at the 4 inch thick ice that had settled around the foundation. An hour of breaking ice with shovels is probably what made my triceps sore for the next couple of days!!! 

Next, we made our way back to the warehouse and of course we were hungry! I know you're all wondering about this week's potluck theme...


After many taquitos, salsita, and some others dishes that were not so Mexican, our tummies were full and we got back to work. 

Our next task, was to carry the rebar, give our triceps more of a workout, and lay the rebar again. 

The rebar was laid, our stomachs were full, and are muscles were in pain... the day was done and it was time for long drive home followed by a long nap.

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