Saturday, 16 April 2011

Day 3

Building the model
March 27, 2011

9am: Group Meeting

Craig caught us up to speed with the developments over the week. Definitely ordering materials was essential - so a day full of planning and finalizing plans was in order. The sooner we finished our planning , the sooner Craig could order materials - plywood, foam, glue, and so on... 

By this point, it has become evident that teamwork is essential to this design. We all need to collaborate with the different teams to create a design that functions. If the SIP group does not coordinate with the planning group, then the window design and the space planning could not coordinate. We all need to rely on one another's expertise to create a cohesive design proposal.

Sustainability is definitely a focus of this design process. The Sustainable Design Team comes in on Saturdays and is guiding this design to a sustainable outcome. The reuse of the kitchen cabinetry, windows, granite counters, and porcelain tiles will assure that this design project attains it's objective - a LEED Gold certification.

The Framing Group began the creation of the scale model. The placement of the columns was more easily determined by looking at the 3D model.

and finally, what you were all waiting for... This week's POTLUCK!!!

The theme: Italian

With an abundance of food, we were even able to feed a hungry teacher! This Italian feast ended with a lovely sweet surprise - Tiramisu! Yum!

Day 2

Design, Construction, and ... Potluck?
March 20, 2011

Day 2 began with a group meeting as always. We learned about the materials Craig had in mind for this project, and started to really contemplate what are designs are going to look like. We were divided into 4 groups: Structurally Insulated Panels (SIPs), Framing, Planning, and Fireplace. From this point on we will work in our individual teams, but the collaboration between teams is vital to a successful final design.

To find more information on each of the groups and their development, you can check them all out by clicking on the tabs labeled with each group name. 

Laying Re-bar was on the agenda for today. As a group, we continued what the Saturday group had already started. Laying the re-bar mock-up was a labourous task in itself. Even with the strength of 10 girls, those re-bars are quite heavy. 

The benefit of this project is that we actually get a hands-on experience of the construction process. In my personal opinion, hands-on is the best way to learn. From actually laying this re-bar structure, we can actually see what the effect of the re-bars will have on the construction of the concrete slab and in turn, the entire design planning of the house. With this, we also get to see what the conduit plan looks like in relation to the rest of the three-dimensional planning. 

What happens when you bring 10 girls to a construction site???


Why not add a fun spin on the design and build project, and bring potluck in the mix?! And so, the weekly themed potluck was born...


While international is great, maybe an international theme for a potluck was perhaps a bad idea. As the nausea set in, we all soon realized that a more specific theme was vital to our success in construction. 

We will return next week with a new potluck theme, and some more design developments. I will leave you now with some pictures of the day's work...


Day 1

7am ... well, really 6am 
March. 13. 2011

Our first day at Pefferlaw started out early, really early. Of course, our first day would begin on Daylight savings - so what was supposed to be a 7am wake-up was really a 6am wake-up call. The drive ahead of us was about an hour, into a town that seemed to be in the middle of no where. With no cars on the road, it was a speedy trip. We arrived at the warehouse at 9am sharp.

Now, you're probably wondering by this point exactly what a group of girls are doing at 9am on a Sunday morning at an empty warehouse??? Well, we are the design and build team for a netzero cottage. For the next 6 weeks or so, you will see us brainstorm, research, design,and even begin to build this cottage. You may also see us eat (lots), sleep (little), and go a bit crazy at times... 

Day 1 consisted of measuring the kitchen cabinetry we already had, a tour of the warehouse, moving some 2x4's, and of course - having a little fun. We were all happy to finally get a chance to use our workboots, hardhats and gloves - and I was truly glad I did, because at one point I found a nail in the sole of my boot!!

Kitchen Cabinetry [to be restored...]

Bi-fold doors to be re-used

Our first day ended in a visit to the actual site where the cottage is being built. Eventually we will see the development of the cottage that will cantilever over the river. 

View from the 'cottage'
Our stylish design team braving the cold Canadian winter weather

Warning: Sitings of fabulously dressed designers will not be uncommon during this project. From pink boots to pink hardhats - this design team works hard, but also takes pride in their looks! 

3:00pm End of Day 1

The day was coming to an end, and we all had a long drive home. We gathered around the garage for one last picture of the day, and parted ways.